
Healthy Settlements, Pandemic Outbreaks

Riccardo Maria Balzarotti, 2021

Healthy Settlements, Pandemic Outbreaks

New Healthy Settlements Responding to Pandemic Outbreaks: Approaches from (and for) the Global City

The essay critically addresses several solutions and strategies for tackling urban inequalities to uphold the recent “right to the ‘healthy’ city” spatial paradigm based on early social science works by Emily Skinner and Jeffrey R. Masuda (2013) and then developed as a urban planning component by the interdisciplinary research group Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability (2019). The authors propose a transdisciplinary approach in dealing with city renewal-regeneration and the safer use of its spaces. The interrelation between urbanism and architecture, including environmental design, mobility, and social relations, among others, would merge to imagine a more ecologically and socially balanced urban milieu. The paper analyses four specific case studies assumed as proper approaches in dealing with the pandemic, critically reflecting on the application of “Superblocks,” “Tactical Urbanism,” and “15-minute City” concepts by illustrating and comparing their application in three global cities (respectively Barcelona, Beijing, and Milan). In a nutshell, the authors demonstrate that these policies have their crucial feature in being effective applications formulated for different contexts, proposing successful strategies to overcome health, environment, and mobility issues in all the contemporary global cities.

by Luca Maria Francesco Fabris, Federico Camerin, Gerardo Semprebon, Riccardo Maria Balzarotti

Published in The Plan Journal, Volume 5/2020 – Issue 2 (HEALTHY URBANISM), pp. 385-406

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